Backpackers of Queensland in Stanthorpe (which is said to be the coldest place in Queensland) is primarily an accommodation for backpackers on a working holiday visa who come to Stanthorpe looking for work. The owner Mr. "Chops" can usually get you a farm job quickly – depending on the season – be it fruitpicking, apple thinning or weeding. The hostel has its very own bus that takes you to work every morning and picks you up again in the afternoon (free of charge). Please be reminded however that these are generally quite hard jobs, so you should be physically healthy before picking up a job like this. It can be literally backbreaking…

The place itself is very well run & maintained. There are usually 5 people sharing one bungalow with bathroom attached. There are lockers in the room and even in the kitchen for your foodstuffs, as well as a series of fridges, very well organized with everyone having his/her own labeled basket(s). You can also get a dinner from the hostel every night, but of course you need to pay for it. The common area has a lot of tables and seating, and there’s a TV and Internet as well. Outside you can even play table tennis if you feel like it. The owners have a lot of pets on the grounds of this property as well, including dogs, cats and birds, and there’s outside seating as well. The people who come here for work quickly become like a family, sharing the same experiences. That’s why it is also a great place to meet people and make friends for life.
Very well maintained / run
Comparably clean
Bathrooms attached to rooms
Free bus to/from work
Dinner offered
Two lockers provided
Table tennis & Games
Slightly expensive

Backpackers of Queensland Stanthorpe
Shared room AU$195 weekly Book here >

Our Rating:
    4.5 / 5.0
A really great place to stay. Definately recommended !
(Last Reviewed: January 2005)